
Photo Credit: Ze Wei

2024 Season 2 Residency Artists Exhibition

2024 Season 2 Residency Artists Exhibition brings together four groups of artists from around the world, including South Korean artist Eunju HONG, who participated in Taiwan through the Taipei-Munich Exchange Program, Australian artist Tom Blake from the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA) Asia Pacific Exchange Program, the performance and architect duo Transfield Studio from Japan, and the Vietnamese art group Tolo Puppets specialized in puppetry performance. Amidst the interweaving of different cultures and perspectives, these artists bring their life experiences from distant lands to Taiwan through their eyes. They transform the brief three-month residency period into creative nourishment, reintegrating into the local life of Taipei, and evolving into unique artistic creations.
►Opening Event
Opening Party + Artist Talk|2024.06.01(Sat.)14:00 – 16:00
Opening Party Venue|2nd Frontier Gallery No.52/54
Host|I-Wen CHANG
Fee|Free to sign up
13:00-14:00 Welcome & Registration
14:00-15:10 Artist Talk
15:20-16:00 Artist Tour
16:00- ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Teatime

#Transfield Studio
#Elevation, Separator - Touring Performance|
Date|2024.06.08(Sat.) ​ - ​ 06.09(Sun.)
Venue|Gallery No.40
Fee|Free to sign up
* The performance will be conducted in English
* The event will proceed in the case of light rain and will be canceled in the event of heavy rain. Please stay tuned to Treasure Hill Artist Village Facebook page.

Time|11:00-18:00 週一休館 Closed on Mondays
Venue|Treasure Hill Artist Village: Cross Gallery, Frontier Gallery No.52 & 54, Gallery No.40
Residency Artists|Eunju HONG(Germany), Tom BLAKE(Australia), Transfield Studio (Japan, Yuko TAKEDA & Rick YAMAKAWA), Tolo Puppets (Vietnam, Kim Ngoc TRAN & Linh Valerie PHAM)
