
Photo Credit: Ze Wei

Whispers of Nature - 2024 S1 Residency Artist Exhibition

Whispers of Nature
Time|11:00-18:00 (Closed on Mondays)
Venue|Treasure Hill Artist Village: Cross Gallery, Frontier No.52、54 1F, Gallery No.40
Artist|Jidanun LUEANGPIANSAMUT (Thailand), Marie OUAZZANI x Nicolas CARRIER (France), Arisa NAKABAYASHI (Japan)

In the first quarter of 2024, Artist-in-Residence Taipei brought up four international artists: Jidanun LUEANGPIANSAMUT from Thailand, the French duo Marie OUAZZANI x Nicolas CARRIER, and Arisa NAKABAYASHI from Japan. Over a three month period, they developed artistic research projects aimed at establishing connections between art and locality through the perception and awareness of the daily experiences. Utilizing various mediums such as literature, video installation, and painting, they presented the outcomes of their residency, delving into a profound exploration of the subtle dialogue between humanity and nature.

Each delicate piece of work within the exhibition was infused with life, conveying the artists' inner thoughts and imbuing natural elements with vitality, representing rich expressive and powerful discourse. Through these representations, they communicated their profound thoughts and emotions. This artistic approach emphasized that natural are not merely static elements, but carriers of rich narrative and meaning, inviting the audience to perceive the implicit connections in nature. Immersed in the subtle dialogue of nature, the exhibition prompted reflection on the profound connections between the tangible and intangible, the seen and the unheard.

̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶  Opening Event & Tour  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

S1 Artist Talk
Time|02.24 14:00-15:30
Venue| Frontier No.5254 2F
Artist|Jidanun LUEANGPIANSAMUT (Thailand), Marie OUAZZANI x Nicolas CARRIER (France), Arisa NAKABAYASHI (Japan)
Host|Erica Yu-Wen Huang

Opening Event & Tour
Time|02.24 15:30
Venue|Frontier No.52 54 1F
Artist|Marie OUAZZANI x Nicolas CARRIER
Project| 夢傘 Songe parapluie

Time|02.24 16:00
Venue| Gallery No.40
Project|Effective Way to Create an Unreal

Time|02.24 16:30
Venue|Cross Gallery
Project|未來的日子(Days to come)
