
Photo Credit: Ze Wei

Us verse Nature - Season 4 Residency Group Exhibition

Date|2023.12.02 (Sat.)-12.17 (Sun.)
Time|11:00-18:00 Closed on Mondays
Venue|Treasure Hill Artist Village: Cross Gallery, Hill Gallery No.53, Frontier No.5254, Gallery No.40, Frontier Plaza
Artist| Jett Ilagan (Philippines), Ayumi Adachi (Japan), Marcin Ryczek (Poland), Hirofumi Nakamoto (Japan), Abby Yan-Yee Lee(Hong Kong), and Nobuyuki Sugihara X Ayaka Nakamura (Japan)

Project Introduction|
We live on this planet, scattered like tribes across the world, seemingly distant yet intricately connected. As the world rapidly develops, we shed the primitive societal skin and move forward with the pace of time. However, the sweeping pandemic forced us to suddenly pause, realizing that the "individual" is, in fact, the most insignificant part of this planet.

Amidst the pandemic, we were compelled to confront restrictions on bodily freedom, rediscovering the environment and sensations we have forgotten. This compelled us to reflect on our connection with nature—beyond exploitation and taking, how can we embrace what nature offers? How can we feel the connections of city sounds? How can we capture fleeting harmonious scenes? How can we become aware of the commonalities among different societies? How should we redefine the relationship between humanity and nature?

In this residency joint exhibition, six artists from around the world gather: Jett Ilagan (Philippines), Ayumi Adachi (Japan), Marcin Ryczek (Poland), Hirofumi Nakamoto (Japan), Abby Yan-Yee Lee (Hong Kong), and Nobuyuki Sugihara X Ayaka Nakamura (Japan). Due to the impact of the 2021-2022 pandemic, their arrival in Taiwan for the residency was delayed, an experience that profoundly triggered shifts in their artistic creation and thinking. Connected to the land, people, and nature, they will explore the delicate relationship between society and the primitive, shedding light on aspects of our environment that we overlook and becoming the subjects of our in-depth exploration.

People tend to view things they’re unaccustomed to as barbaric, but this pandemic has shown us the positive and negative impacts of globalization, rediscovering the importance of the primitive for survival. Through the artists' perspectives, this exhibition will present our tightly intertwined relationship with nature, prompting contemplation on our value of existence on this planet and the reestablishment of the close connection between humanity and the earth.

More information|

̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶  Opening Event & Tour  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

❝ Season 4 Artist Talk

Date|12.02(Sat.) 14:00-15:30
Venue|Frontier No.52, 2F
Artist|Jett ILAGAN、Ayumi Adachi、Abby Yan-Yee LEE、Marcin RYCEZK、Hirifumi NAKAMOTO
Host|Erica Yu-Wen HUANG

❝ Tour

Time|12.02(Sat.) 15:30
Venue|Frontier No.52, 1F & Basement
Artist|Ayumi Adachi
Project| いただきます。ごちそうさまでした。(Itadakimasu・Gochisousmadeshita)

Time|12.02(Sat.) 15:45
Venue|Frontier No.54, Basement
Artist|Jett ILAGAN
Project|Response | Sensation

Time|12.02(Sat.) 15:55
Venue|Frontier No.54, 1F
Artist|Abby Yan-Yee LEE
Project|Seeing on workday and bank holiday

Time|12.02(Sat.) 16:15
Venue|山城53 Gallery No.53
Artist|Marcin RYCEZK
Project| Harmony

Time|12.02(Sat.) 16:30
Venue|Cross Gallery
Artist|Hirifumi NAKAMOTO
Project|Singing Snail
Performance|Snail Eating Party

❝ Extension Events

Time|12.09(Sat.) 14:00-15:30
Venue|Frontier No.5254, 2F
Artist|Ayumi Adachi
Fee | Free

Time|12.09(Sat.) 16:00
Venue|Sourdough Platform
Artist|Jett Ilagan