Photo Credit: Ze Wei
2023 Taiwan Art Space Alliance (TASA) Annual Meeting_Realizing the Ecosystem of the Arts - Creating the Future & Reflecting the Past

Venue|Soulangh Cultural Park ( Lieu-An No. 130, Chia-Lee, Tainan, Taiwan (ROC) )
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The "Realizing the Ecosystem of the Arts — Creating the Future & Reflecting the Past" event continues the reflection on the art industry as a proactive strategy for the "Art Community in Global Pandemic" building on the discussions from the previous year. It also explores the potential paths for art's integration into contemporary society in a post pandemic world, emphasizing cultural permeation and influence.
Looking back at existing art residency programs and institutions, they are poised for a transformation and alignment with the next phase. Starting from the perspective of today's art industry, we ponder the significance and relevance of art residencies. These residencies draw inspiration from life experiences, interdisciplinary creations, societal and environmental reflections, and collaborations with professionals from various industries.
Art residencies are not only seen as a connector to strengthen the art industry but also as an opportunity to showcase Taiwan's strengths and achievements in developing art seasons and exhibition industries. This development places art residency at its core, with organizational operations as the central focus, gradually crafting a unique Taiwanese brand, cultural spirit, and sustained international dialogue.
Art residency and the industry play pivotal roles as essential "nodes." They offer artists and the industry direct opportunities to engage with audiences and markets. Art critics, curators, and the media, in their feedback capacity, serve as catalysts for further creative work. Through their efforts, artists are propelled not only within the realm of art residency but also toward collaboration with industries, advancing further towards the forefront. Additionally, public governance from the government sector should aim to support the development of the artistic ecosystem as a goal, creating an environment conducive to a national aesthetic and providing a stage for artistic creators and art residency management professionals to pursue excellence.
Organizer| Taiwan Art Space Alliance, Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City Government
Supervisor|Ministry of Culture, National Culture and Arts Foundation
Organization Support|National Culture and Arts Foundation, Department of Cultural, Affairs Taipei City Government
Media|ARTouch, Arttime, Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corp