
Photo Credit: NIU Chun-Chiang

CHEN Wan-ling

CHEN Wan-ling's Exhibition
CHEN Wan-ling and Artist
CHEN Wan-ling's Art Work
CHEN Wan-ling's Art Work Photo
CHEN Wan-ling's Art Work Exhibition

CHEN Wan-ling

Location France / Paris
Residency Cité Internationale des Arts
Year of the Grant 2011
Personal Website CHEN Wan-ling's Personal Website
CHEN Wan-Ling, born in Tainan, got her degree of MFA in Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts. She went to BankArt 1929 in Yokohama for artist exchange program in 2009. She is also granted by Ministry of Culture for Cité International des Arts in Paris, France in 2011.

Artist Statement:

My time at Cité International des Arts spanned two seasons, from summer to winter. Different seasons were marked by different days, and we lived our days in our own ways. Simply allowing time to pass by was something fresh that I’d never experienced in my hometown before. The most common ways to move around in Paris were walking, biking, taking the subway, or taking the bus. Different methods of moving about allowed one to see the different sides of Paris and encounter different events in the city. It was a unique visual experience. I interacted with the city through ordinary everyday activities and awed at the wonderful union of time and external space.

Our senses to time and space come from our own unique experiences. My work is inspired by my experiences moving around in a city through day and night, on a train, a bus, a bike, or on my feet. I would make models of the locations, people, vehicles, things, and etc. that I encounter and align them together. This playful act allows time and space fragments in a city to be reorganized and reconstructed, resulting in a new space that houses symbols and signs to imply a city.

Paris, a city with an abundance of time, provides artists with unlimited materials of all sorts - whether be it the historical vestiges, modern architecture, traditional crafts and materials, or contemporary media. Most importantly, it is an accepting city with diversity in which any form of art could be developed. The most precious thing about being an artist here was being able to experience the freedom and acceptance of the city.