The Asia New Zealand Foundation is a non-partisan and non-profit organisation dedicated to building New Zealanders’ knowledge and understanding of Asia.
Established in 1994, the Foundation is a partnership between the public and the private sector.
As the leading non-government organisation on Asia-New Zealand relations, the foundation works in five main areas – business, arts and culture, education, media and research. In addition, they run a Young Leaders Network and take a lead role in track II (informal diplomacy) bilateral and multilateral dialogues in the Asia-Pacific.
Their programs enable scholarships, seminars, internships, educational support, special events and exchanges, track II diplomacy, in-house and commissioned research - all designed to equip New Zealanders with firsthand experience of Asia and to forge valuable links to the region.
Their experienced staff develop initiatives and form partnerships with a wide range of groups within New Zealand and throughout the Asian region.
The Foundation is overseen by a top-level board of trustees drawn from business, community, academic and leadership backgrounds. Their board of honorary advisers is made up of distinguished public figures from throughout the Asian region.